"Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity, because the soul can not see with the eyes of the body. If the view is cloudy, the world will be bleak. "
- Goethe
You may know that physical activity strengthens your heart and bones, in addition to our immune system (that is he who protects us from viruses and bacteria). It also improves our concentration and our mental functions, while reducing blood pressure as well as our production of cortisol, a stress hormone (hold on!). But that's not all: it stimulates also the release of endorphins, chemicals that are "happiness" produced by the brain! But ultimately, exercise is more than a good habit and is a foundation.
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Certainty No. 1: Our life runs smoothly when we put our happiness first. This is not a luxury or a plus, but a necessity.
Certainty No. 2: Exercise est un des meilleurs moyens growing cet état de Bien-être et cette joie.